Jun 22Liked by Grace Atwood

Yes Godzilla was amazing!!! I prefer Godzilla when he’s told via a Japanese lens.

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Me too :)

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Jun 22Liked by Grace Atwood

Why didn’t you like about The New Look? I have some thoughts but am interested in yours.

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Honestly, I kept falling asleep. I think I expected a show about fashion and got more historical fiction about nazis (which is fine, I enjoy those shows too!) but I guess I didn't get what I came for and so I abandoned it. To be honest I didn't get very far so maybe it got better but it didn't grab me :)

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Jun 23Liked by Grace Atwood

It didn’t really change throughout although I found the history fascinating. It did not paint Chanel in a positive light at all and I wondered how much was factual vs fiction. Not much fashion though- I agree.

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Yeah, sadly that part is very true.

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It’s pretty well known that Chanel was a nazi collaborator/ had a pretty serious antisemitism issue. The brand is not owned by her or her descendants anymore(so shopping the brand isn’t supporting that) , but the level of idolizing of such a horrible person like her that people especially white women do is 😬🫢🤮. She may not have bought their entire ideology hook line and sinker but she agreed with enough it / or at least wasn’t bothered by it to have a very long standing affair with a nazi officer who was ranking in the occupation of France. And the antisemitism piece is very well established. She tried to use their discriminatory laws against Jewish people for her own gain. She is definitely not a hero. (Well past) Time to throw out the wall posters with her quotes and likeness.

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yay so happy What I Watched This Week is back!! need a good watch!

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I love that the kiddos know what you’ll like - and that you listen to their recommendations even if you’re not so sure🥺. Having dated someone with kids for a long time, I know how tricky those relationships can feel to navigate and also how lovely it is💜.

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Hi Grace! Did you close your IG account?

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